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Nov, 2013

Select Program

Select Tournament Team Program


Select is a program that offers organized soccer for players who want to play at a more competitive level. Club soccer teams are in place in many parts of the country, but for those who want to play harder and still be a part of AYSO, Select is perfect.

Select gives athletes whose interests and abilities lead them to a more progressive soccer experience. You can feel secure knowing your child is part of a trusted organization and will be given fair playing time. Select doesn’t take away from the regular program, but adds to the strength of the organization by keeping players and their families in AYSO.Your Region determines the organization of Select play to suit its needs and numbers, but AYSO’s core philosophies are still in place: everyone on the team plays at least 50 percent of each game; selection to teams is based on open and fair evaluations; and the teams are chosen to create a competitive balance. 

***Participation in Select is self funded.  Tournament fees and all other financial needs are provided by parents or team fundraising.  REGION FUNDS (i.e. Registration Fees) ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR THE SELECT PROGRAM***

Select players may also participate in the Spring program at the same time. 

Select Programs can only be offered in areas with a regular AYSO program and is coordinated with the support of local leadership. No paid coaches or referees are allowed. All AYSO standards for training and certification for coaches and referees are in place.  Players must play in the Fall Primary Program to be eligible for Select Team tryouts.

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